Thursday, April 28, 2016

138. Index Page

The second lesson:

Thursday, April 21, 2016

137. A free economics course! (MU)

MU - Marginal University This is a fantastic resource for students that are doing a Microeconomics course. href=""> The whole course:

Sunday, April 17, 2016

136. Macro-economics: Inflation - the essence of Economic Freedom (tell Malema)

Money oils the wheels of exchange. An absence of sound money undermines gains from trade. As Milton Friedman informed us long ago, inflation is a monetary phenomenon, caused by too much money chasing too few goods. High rates of monetary growth invariably lead to inflation. Similarly, when the rate of inflation increases, it also tends to become more volatile. High and volatile rates of inflation distort relative prices, alter the fundamental terms of long-term contracts, and make it virtually impossible for individuals and businesses to plan sensibly for the future. Sound money is essential to protect property rights and, thus, economic freedom. Inflation erodes the value of property held in monetary instruments. When governments finance their expenditures by creating money, they are, in effect, expropriating the property and violating the economic freedom of their citizens.

Friday, April 8, 2016

135. Referencing the MANCOSA study guide.

Here is how: In-line reference (Mancosa, 2016, p123). In bibliography: Mancosa – Study guide, PGDBM (2016): Entrepreneurship.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

134. Assignment advice - letter to student

Here is another link to a letter to a learner:

 I did not look at the Multiple Choice question

2.       Provide Q 2.1 with an introductory paragraph telling the reader what you are going to tell him. BTW did you read ?
3.       Also set the scene for the graph – is it a person, farm, or country?
4.       Consult other sources too (apart from the study guide and Mohr and Fourie)
5.       Use in-line references where you use something from a source (don’t list them at the end of your answer – put all references used in all the questions in a bibliography at the end of the whole document.
6.       Q.2.2 Say a little more – especially the Free Market Capitalist system. You can get more info on what it is here:
7.       Remember to reference more – for example you say (of the socialist system) “All the factors of production excluding labour are owned by the state” – where did you get this from, who said it? – reference.
8.       2.3 – say more.
9.       3.1 An introductory paragraph as in 2.
10.   3.1 review your use of language (for example you say “Demand of the law” I am sure you meant “Law of demand”) Check the clarity of your writing.
11.   From a layout point of view your answer will look better if you put in an extra half space or space between paragraphs.
12.   Perhaps a short conclusion will also round off each of your answers nicely.
13.   3.2 You refer to “shaded area” and points such as E3 which are not in your graphics…fix.
14.   Be more explanatory as to why P1 would move to P2 and P3 and what will be the long term equilibrium point.

Hope this helps.

Laat weet indien ek verder kan help.



In general I would say that the piece would meet the required standards.

If however you would want to produce an excellent piece there may be a few refinements that you would want to consider:

A: Structure

1.       Label your introductory paragraph as an introduction.
2.       Label your second paragraph something like “Motivation defined”
3.       Label a third section “The motivation theories” (The section starting with “Motivation theories can provide managers…”)
4.       Then nest the various theories under this heading till you get to “Money as a motivator”  - then you may want to have a heading such as “Monetary an non-monetary motivators” as a next  heading.

B: The Figures

1.       Label and number your figures – for example Fig 1: The motivation process

C: Referencing

1.       You seem to have relied too heavily on one source – Smit, Cronje etc. – One should read more widely and your assignment should demonstrate the fact.
2.       Include a few more quoted references (more variation).
3.       You said nothing wrong – then also you did not explore some of the more subtle/or controversial issues (that you should run into if you explore other sources too).

But yes, a neat piece of work that does meet requirements to a large extent.

1.       When you answer a question you need to clearly indicate structure in advance – telling the reader in advance what  you are going to tell him.
2.       Your referencing is not quite correct – you need to reference in-line where you use or say something details in bibliography.
FOR EXAMPLE YOU SAY :” approaches as stated in Smit et al 5th Edition  316:318  just say …in Smit et al (date, pages). The rest of the info is stated in the bibliography. 
3.       Also you need to find the author where at all possible in web resources.
4.       Include more resources – if a resource such as mindtools do not have references you need to dig deeper yourself (mindtools is very much like Wikipedia and should be avoided as a key resource if possible)
5.       Watch out for copying too much from a source such as mindtools or any other souce for that matter.
6.       Use graphics more – for example xxxxxxxx – it would be useful if you could include the graphic. Make sure you reference your source.
7.       I did not go into the content that much, but do make sure that you link to the case study where possible and answer the question.
8.       If possible read a little wider and integrate different views.
9.       Check out how web resources should be referenced.

Hope this helps.
=============================================================================================================================================================================================== Here is another letter I have the following comments: Q1. 1. Separate your first two paragraphs, where you indicate what you are going to tell the reader, from the rest of your assignment under a "Introduction" heading. (Also read about "indicating structure in advance" in the following article: 2.Define the concept "economic growth" in some detail. 3. Do not use the same introductory paragraphs for Q1 and Q2. 4. Your quote by the ministry of finance should be referenced specifically. 5. More in-line references should be used. 6. Use more and more varied sources. 7. You also need to spend more time on policy issues (regulatory, monetary and fiscal) that may have affected the growth rate. Q2. Similar referencing issues. See if you can separate what you say in Q1 from what you say in Q2. Decide what your main focus area would be for each question and separate the issues and give two different approaches. You may want to concentrate in Q1 on the broad policy issues and Q2 on specific government programmes. Though there may be a little overlap, try to separate what you say in the from what you say in the other. Your last paragraph in Q2 seem to be copied from some source. a) see if you can put it in your own words or b) reference it specifically (there are many other examples like this that you need to avoid. You are off to a good start. Charl Heydenrych MANCOSA On Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 8:52 AM,> wrote: Good Morning I trust that you are well. Kindly see attached assignment draft for MBA NQF9 MAEC (Rwanda Case Study). kindly advise on how i can improve it for the best marks. Thank you Regards

Saturday, April 2, 2016

133 slides Economics 1A - 2 April 2016