Thursday, August 25, 2016

166 Market Structures

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

165. Balance of payments

Balance of payments consist (amongst other things) of a CURRENT ACCOUNT and a FINANCIAL ACCOUNT. The current account reflects the imported and exported goods and services - the purely financial transactions are recorded in the financial account. The overall balance of payments position is reflected in the "Change in gold and foreign reserves" section of the account.

It must be noted that these accounts record only the financial transaction and not the economic values that change hands during the transaction.

The balance of payments is one determinant of the level of economic activity in a country...(to be continued)

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

164 Study Techniques

If you start doing these mental gymnastics - you will improve your exam marks.

Also learn some relaxation techniques - it will improve your ability to think clearly in the stressful exam situation. Turn your palms upwards in any stressful or anxiety producing situation and see the results - it is truly amazing!

163. Fundamental economics concept: Law of diminishing marginal utility.

The Mancosa curriculum does NOT cover this fundamental concept. Any learner that grasps this fundamental concept will enhance his/her understanding of the subject a lot. This too is not the best explanation, but it is so far the best explanation that I could find on the topic of the "law" of diminishing marginal utility. Enjoy:

Friday, August 12, 2016

162. Aggregate Expenditure (AE) and the Multiplier effect

Aggregate Expenditure (AE) - defined as the total amount that firms and households plan to spend on goods and services at each level of income. Also, it can be seen that the aggregate expenditure is the sum of expenditures on consumption, investment, government expenses and net exports.

The multiplier effect - refers to the increase in final income arising from any new injection of spending. The size of the multiplier depends upon household's marginal decisions to spend, called the marginal propensity to consume (mpc), or to save, called the marginal propensity to save (mps). (Memory = 50)

161. natural gross domestic product

"natural gross domestic product" refers to the highest level of real gross domestic product (output) that can be sustained over the long term.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

160. Notes to students on their assignments

Now. See if you can write it using an academic style: So put some of it in your own words, use quotes, summarise, give a precis of what the author is saying, integrate it with other sources that you may have found and tell YOUR story about how (entrepreneurs benefit an economy or any other point that you want to make).

DO NOT USE IT AS IS (in other words copy and paste without clearly demonstrating that you have read the content and made it part of what you thing and what you want to say. You also need to demonstrate that you have read widely on the subject and use the points others say to support your view.

You are on the right track!

Here are a few more remarks:

1. You need to include table of contents.

2. You would be able to improve your marks if you reference your sources

3. . You would be able to improve your marks if you demonstrate that you have read widely (use many sources).

4. You need to start using an academic writing style. This can be developed by looking at some academic papers and paying attention to how they construct their sentences and arguments.

5. Some direction in writing a higher quality paper can be found here:

6. You did not say anything wrong in your assignment – you could however have done much more (as outlined above) to discriminate yourself from the pack.

7. Start by using more varied resources and integrating the various sources in your writing using your own style – this will ensure an above average mark, which I am sure you will be able to obtain.

I hope this helps

Some notes on an assignmment - read this: ======================================

Thank you for the opportunity to comment in more detail on your assignment.

Here are a few remarks:

 1. Your table of contents looked good.

2. As an example – you would have been able to improve your marks on Question 2.1 (and others) if you had (a) said more than just the standard descriptions (b) if you attempted to describe what you have read in your own words (c) if you had said more than the bare minimum (d) if you had referenced your sources

 3. You will have improved your marks if it became apparent that you have read widely and have a full grasp of the concepts and ideas in question. Do this by referencing and integrating different sources.

 4. You need to start using an academic writing style. This can be developed by looking at some academic papers and paying attention to how they construct their sentences and arguments.

 5. Some direction in writing a higher quality paper can be found here:

 6. You did not say anything wrong in your assignment – you could however have done much more (as outlined above) to discriminate yourself from the pack.

 7. Start by using more varied resources and integrating the various sources in your writing using your own style – this will ensure an above average mark, which I am sure you will be able to obtain.

 I hope this helps ======================================================================================

Your assignment meets the basic requirements.

If however you wish to attain maximum marks there are a few aspects that you may want to give some attention to:

1.       Q 2.1 - You may want to include an in-line reference (or two) of where you sourced the information.
2.       Also have a look at layout and the use of paragraphs.
3.       Q 2.2 - You may want to refer to another source and say a little more on each of the functions.
4.       Again include an in-line reference of your source.
5.       Also have a look at layout – when you copy from the internet you have to take actions that you spacing conform (is the same as) with your document
6.       Be careful when you copy – you need to shorten, abbreviate, put into your own words, more often.
7.       You need to consult more than one source for each question and attempt to integrate the information.
8.       3.1, 3.2 include in-line references
9.       3.4 Your arguments seems to be a bit mixed – the for and against.
10.   …when you say something like “It has been found the happiness increases with a higher GDP per capita, up to at least $ 15 000 per person” you have to reference the source.
1   4.2.2 formatting needs attention  - and then too it needs to be referenced
1   4.2.3 font needs to be adjusted
1   If you have time look at
1   In your Bibliography you do not have put the whole reference – for example the Investopedia reference should look like this:

Investopedia: Currency Exchange: Floating rate vs Fixed Rate. (Accessed 11 September 2016).

You may have noticed that I have not commented too much on the content – which is generally fine. I do however believe that you need to be much more critical about the negative effects of interventionist strategies – you dealing with import tariffs is perhaps the best example. Import tariffs have a devastating effect on the economy and hurt the consumer

In general you meet requirements – except you Table of Contents where a short description after each heading will improve the look.
Pay attention to layout.

Your referencing is inadequate.
You answers are generally too short and does not explore the issues in depth enough.
Include a bibliography of sources referenced.

ALSO in no particular order - here are some further pointers.

If I did not make a point clear - ask!

2.       Pay attention to format and structure - including "structuring in advance"
3.       You HAVE to include in-line references.
4.       You should read more widely and incorporate more and more diverse views into your assignment. Also be a bit more detailed and specific.
5.        Again, your statements and points should be adequately referenced (in-line). It will greatly improve the piece. Rather more than too few references.
6.       See if you can group/classify and use headings - more structure required.
7.       An introduction and summary paragraph in each question would be useful.
8.       You need to interpret, digest and put more in your own words. - in any event reference!
9.       Your in-line referencing is not quite correct – you need to reference in-line where you use or say something. (You would then include the details in the bibliography)
10.   In your answer you seem to explore various points but it may be useful to also state how the stated view may be from other vantage points.

If you implement the suggestions made above you will vastly improve your marks. Refer back to me if there is anything that I may not have clarified sufficiently or where I may be of further assistance.

I did not highlight the positives – of which your general writing style and clarity is one. If there is anything that I did not fully explain  ask.

Good luck. 

In no particular order - here are some pointers. If I did not make a point clear - ask!

 1. Have you read this article: Pay attention to format and structure - including "structuring in advance"

 2. You have to include in-line references.

 3. Q 2.1: You should read more widely and incorporate more and more diverse views into your assignment. Also be a bit more detailed and specific with regards to monetary and fiscal policies employed. Again, your statements and points should be adequately referenced (in-line). It will greatly improve the piece. Rather more than too few references.

 4. See if you can group/classify and use headings - more structure required.

 5. Also an introduction and summary paragraph would be useful. 6. you seem to use too large sections from external sources. You need to interpret, digest and put more in your own words. - in any event reference! OK - enough for now, I hope it helps. Let me know if I can assist further. Charl Academic MANCOSA ==============================================================================================

1. 1. When you answer a question you need to clearly indicate structure in advance – telling the reader in advance what you are going to tell him. Such an introductory paragraph will be very useful.

 2. 2. Your in-line referencing is not quite correct – you need to reference in-line where you use or say something. (You would then include the details in the bibliography).

3. 3. Include more resources throughout the text – the practice of including the web reference at the end of your question is incorrect.

4. 4. Make more reference to theory throughout your answer.

5. 5. Make sure that you link to the case study where possible in your answer to the question.

 6. 6. If possible read a little wider and integrate different (opposing) views.

7. 7. A concluding paragraph is also useful.

8. 8. Use headings (subheadings) in your answer as you deal with different points.

9. 9. Be more clear with the points that you are making.

10. 11. In your answer you seem to explore XXXXXXXXXXXX – it may be useful to also state what the view may be from other vantage points. Have you read this article: You ask what my assessment is at this point. Let me put it this way. If you implement the suggestions made above you will vastly improve your marks. Refer back to me if there is anything that I may not have clarified sufficiently or where I may be of further assistance. ======================================================================================================================================= I am just going to highlight some finer points – in general your piece meets the requirement fairly well. 1. You say: “Let’s look at what is motivation” Rather say “Firstly we will look at what motivation is, then ….” not so? This is one small example of an error type that may occur elsewhere in your assignment too. 2. You then list some theories – you may want to say what they are before just listing them. For example say something like “The following theories and their relationship to money as a motivator will be discussed” Elsewhere too you may want to use statement to help the reader know where they are when reading your writing. 3. You say: “(Robbins and Judge, 2012) Defines motivation as” rather say “Robbins and Judge (2012) define motivation as” – never start a sentence with a bracket. If possible reference the page number too. 4. You say: “Maslow also brock these into” – brock???? 5. You say: “needs(self-esteem” – insert space between needs and (self-esteem… like this: “needs (self-esteem…” 6. You say: actualization rather use the British English spelling: actualization. 7. You say: and (Smit et al., 2011) – end you sentence with a full stop – like this: “and (Smit et al., 2011).” 8. You say “Figure 1 (Smit et al., 2011)” for figure 1 – do the same format for figure 2 and others. 9. You say “monetary motivation plays a place in the world…” - either “plays a role” or “has a place” 10. Autonomy(“direct our own life’s) – font?; also “lives” 11. In the first stage individual come together – “s” 12. Manager often – “s” 13. Replace “works cited” with “Bibliography” There may be other issues too – enough for now! If you make these type of editorial changes, your assignment will start moving towards perfection! (Apart from any content issues that you could include or improve). Good luck. Charl Heydenrych Academic MANCOSA Land line: 011 853 3000 1 Cedar Avenue Auckland Park Johannesburg 2092, South Africa ==============================================================================

 Good day Charl I trust you are well. I have done some work to my assignment and I think I have addressed most of the issues you found, I have attached once again for you to comment. The assignment is due this Thursday so if there is anything critically wrong I still have a short time to correct. I would also like to ask if you would be prepared to check my Human Resource Management project as well, not a train smash if you cant. Regards

 From: Charl Heydenrych [] Sent: 29 August 2016 03:26 PM To: XXXXX) Subject: RE: Business Managemeent Assignment

1  I am here to help you meet your goals. In this e-mail I will respond to yours in as much detail as I can. If I have missed out anything or not clarified anything sufficiently, let me know.

 1. I am not a professor! 2. In relation to your assignment – and it seems that you have done a substantial piece of work – the following: + If you say “(Robbins and Judge, 2012) Defines…” it is incorrect – the correct way is “Robbins and Judge (2012) define motivation… + Do not use capitals in the body of a sentence. + on page 3 you include a table – indicate where you souced it from + same with the one on page 4 + You have to use more in-line references indicating where you get your info from. + There are a number of typos in your document – make sure you do a spell check before submitting. 3. Looking at Q2, see if in your introduction, you can indicate structure in advance. So instead of just answering the question, let the reader know what you are going to be doing. 4. Again referencing is important – also see if you can gain your info from more that one source and integrate it in your document. 5. If you use a graphic you have to refer to it in the text. 6. Take the model out of the conclusion on page 10 – never introduce new material in a conclusion. Also reference it. 7. Do not be too colloquial in your writing (…how many times have we all heard this statement…) 8. You have to be more academic in your writing (e.g. on page 15 “People as sub-systems” you need to not just list the features, you need to put the four points into some kind of context. 9. Your bibliography is somewhat “overcrowded” + put a small line-space between references. + Technically you should not list a reference that you have not personally consulted. You should NOT use the references that others have consulted as if you have done the work. + All of those in the bibliography should appear somewhere as an in line reference in the main text. + Remove the hyphens in the reference. This is enough for now. By the way have you read the article on how to tackle an assignment? More issues are dealt with there – have a look at it. So make the suggested changes and talk to me if you feel it necessary to do so. Regards Charl Heydenrych Academic MANCOSA Land line: 011 853 3000 1 Cedar Avenue Auckland Park Johannesburg 2092, South Africa Good morning 

First let me thank you for your lecture on Saturday, I think of all the lectures that I have attended yours has giving the most valuable insight on how to structure the assignments. I would like to ask you if you would not mind to take the time to go over my assignment and point out where I can improve. I want to be realistic and aim for 70%, in my mind I think I have done an ok job but I am not sure if I will make the 70%.

With respect to referencing I have the following questions. I have a tendency to formulate my own opinion by read multiple sources and them to develop my own summary, how do I reference this. An example is I will read the “Management Principles by Smith, Cronje, Brevis and VRBA”, “Management - Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices by Peter Drucker “and “Organizational Behavior by Robbins and Judge” on Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs and then formulate my definition. I have watched a number of videos these include the following from Alanis Business School Academy : • Episode 20_ Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs • Episode 27_ Expectancy Theory of Motivation • Episode 46_ The Equity Theory of Motivation • Episode 84_ Frederick Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory of Motivation • Episode 85_ The Job Characteristics Model of Motivation, Part 1 • Episode 86_ The Job Characteristics Model of Motivation, Part 2 • Episode 87_ Reinforcement Theory of Motivation, Part 1 • Episode 88_ Reinforcement Theory of Motivation, Part 2 • Episode 109_ Douglas McGregor's Theory X & Theory Y • Episode 138_ Introduction to Equity Theory_ The Impact of Perception on Employee Motivation I am not sure if I should reference them, or even how to reference them? I have also read a number of web articles and journals that I have reference, some I have skimmed for certain information and others I have read in full, I have included them in the bibliography is this correct? Again thank you for your time I am looking forward to your critique that I can learn from what I have done. I am just going to highlight some finer points – in general your piece meets the requirement fairly well.

 1. You say: “Let’s look at what is motivation” Rather say “Firstly we will look at what motivation is, then ….” not so? This is one small example of an error type that may occur elsewhere in your assignment too.

 2. You then list some theories – you may want to say what they are before just listing them. For example say something like “The following theories and their relationship to money as a motivator will be discussed” Elsewhere too you may want to use statement to help the reader know where they are when reading your writing.

 3. You say: “(Robbins and Judge, 2012) Defines motivation as” rather say “Robbins and Judge (2012) define motivation as” – never start a sentence with a bracket. If possible reference the page number too.

4. You say: “Maslow also brock these into” – brock???? 5. You say: “needs(self-esteem” – insert space between needs and (self-esteem… like this: “needs (self-esteem…”

6. You say: actualization rather use the British English spelling: actualization. 7. You say: and (Smit et al., 2011) – end you sentence with a full stop – like this: “and (Smit et al., 2011).”

8. You say “Figure 1 (Smit et al., 2011)” for figure 1 – do the same format for figure 2 and others.

9. You say “monetary motivation plays a place in the world…” - either “plays a role” or “has a place”

10. Autonomy(“direct our own life’s) – font?; also “lives”

11. In the first stage individual come together – “s”

12. Manager often – “s”

13. Replace “works cited” with “Bibliography”

 There may be other issues too – enough for now! If you make these type of editorial changes, your assignment will start moving towards perfection! (Apart from any content issues that you could include or improve).

 Good luck. ________________________________________ disccsa41a3

159. SA back as number 1!

This article will gives one an overview of the macroeconomic drivers that affect GDP and prosperity. There are however other factors too - but most of these are policy related. The article does allude to "business friendly" policies that the ANC may adopt after the result of the latest elections. Do you know what this means?

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

158. MBA Evening class

Here are the slides:

=============================== 17 August here are the slides too (same place)

157. LRAS

In the long-run the aggregate supply curve is perfectly vertical, reflecting economists' belief that changes in aggregate demand only cause a temporary change in an economy's total output. The long-run aggregate supply curve can be shifted, when the factors of production change in quantity.