Wednesday, August 19, 2015

44. Why not Free Market Capitalism?

Why would one not be a free market capitalist? Let this be the legacy of the African Renaissance. The awakening of the African giant.

If , in a market economy, the government simply allows and then protects the private ownership of property and the right to the voluntary exchange of labour, goods and services through consenting participants. A society of peace and stability within which people live their lives without fear of confiscation through taxes and expropriation for the common good. Where willing buyers and sellers meet in an unfettered marketplace where the value of goods and services are determined by buyers and sellers that are allowed to trade freely without subsidies and price controls, tariffs and special licences and controls to stem the free flow of ideas and goods and services.

If, in a free market economy people can trade with their property and labour in any way they see fit, as long as they not act in a way that would infringe on others to be have in a similar way and without force or the threat of force or acting in a fraudulent way. Where individuals take responsibility for their actions and cause no damage to others lives and property. Where there is a free movement of people, goods and services between nations and states.

A free market capitalist society where the role of the state is not to promote the interest of any one group, where it sees its role as the protector of property rights of all and cherishes individual liberty and the rights of groups to promote their groups as long as it does not done in a way that it offends basic human and individual rights.

A free market where economic growth is high because of a low tax regime, where people spend more time and effort on creating wealth than on efforts to protect themselves from the tax authorities. Where the government upholds a policy of protecting the value of the currency and therefore takes no inflationary actions. Where nobody is granted any special privileges on the basis of race or gender and there are no special subsidies, tax concessions, import controls, tariff protections granted to favour some special interest groups. Where political power and influence is curtailed to the essential services of foreign relations, the army, the judiciary and internal safety and security.

A free market where rules are kept simple and understandable, where you would not find unrealistic building, zoning, and other restrictions on trade and costly process involved in setting up of businesses, the subdivision of land and the meeting onerous regulatory requirements when starting enterprises.

A society where the government allows communities and sub-communities a bigger say in those decisions that affect them directly.

Why not free market capitalism?

Many of the ideas expressed here have their origin with Marc Swanepoel - previously Director of FEBDEV.

Eustace Davie Capitalism, free markets, economic freedom and free enterprise all have in common that they consist of voluntary exchange between individuals free of third party intervention. Where is the evil to be found in voluntary exchange between individuals? It is force and fraud that are the evils that hamper progress towards a civilisation that is epitomised by peace and freedom. It is incongruous that the most ardent critics of "capitalism" are ferocious in their support for collective violence against those with whom they disagree.

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